Analysis of The Factors Causing Accidents at Level Crossings in the Area of PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) Daop 1 Jakarta
The volume of train trips which every day reaches 1,300 trips causes a high intensity of encounters between trains and other vehicles at level crossings. This raises the potential for accidents involving trains and other vehicles as well as with humans. This study aims to determine the factors that cause accidents, reduce the number of accidents, and improve the safety system at level crossings in the Daop 1 Jakarta area. Qualitative descriptive research method with a population of accidents at level crossings of the PT KAI (Persero) Daop 1 Jakarta in 2016-2019. The number of samples used is 198 accidents with a chronological investigation of accidents. Analysis using Human Factor Classification and Analysis System (HFACS) followed by Fishbone Analysis and 5Whys Analysis. The factors that cause accidents by motorists are unsafe behavior, namely making errors in crossing and violations that are not in accordance with procedures. Factors causing accidents by pedestrians, namely unsafe behavior such as errors and violations committed and pedestrian conditions that do not support crossing. Dis-semination of regulations and laws, procedures for crossing, appeals, and warnings not to carry out dangerous activities at crossings can also be carried out to reduce accidents. Repair of damaged or old facilities with facilities that are in accordance with regulations and making new crossing procedures so that they can be more adhered to are suggestions for improving the safety system.
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