
Hospitals must make changes to grow and survive in an intense competition era. Change is not always well received by organizational members and the most common obstacle is resistance to change. Medika Permata Hijau Hospital is a private hospital where there are many changes ranging from changes in hospital class, leadership to policy changes. Preliminary surveys also indicate a resistance to change attitude. The aim of the study was to obtain empirical evidence of factors that influence resistance to change in hospital.

Method This study was conducted with an analytic survey of causality with a time dimension one short study. The population in this study was 155 people. The samples in this study used Purposive Sampling techniques. The analysis unit of this study is individual. The data analysis used is multiple linear regression analysis. Research results Leadership, especially transformational leadership, has a positive effect while communication and emotional intelligence have a negative effect on resistance to change. The determinant coefficient value in the study was 17.2%. Implication An integrated transactional-transformational leadership type is the right choice to address resistance to change. Data-driven communication, a culture of openness and freedom to express the opinion as well as a good level of staff emotional intelligence are expected to help in the process of accepting change.


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