
This study aims to analyze the impact of electronic word of mouth and brand image on online purchasing decisions moderated by price discounts. This study uses a quantitative research paradigm with an explanatory approach. The research instrument is a questionnaire designed to measure electronic word of mouth, brand image, price discount, and online purchase decisions. Data were collected from primary sources through surveys. The survey, as a data collection technique, was carried out in Malang City. Partial distribution of the questionnaire used google form and distributed directly to respondents. The research object is the Shopee platform, while the research subjects are millennials who have used the Shopee platform in the past year. The total number of respondents involved in this study was 100. Data analysis used two approaches namely categorization index analysis and multivariate regression. Study results show that electronic word of mouth is in a reasonably low category. The brand image has a high category, while the price discount has a reasonably high category. Hypothetically tested, electronic word mouth has no impact on purchasing decisions. However, when moderated by a price discount, it has an impact on purchasing decisions. Meanwhile, whether moderated by price discounts or not, the brand image variable had an impact on online purchasing decisions on the Shopee platform.


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