The Effect of Customer Experience, Online Review and Perceived Risk on the Decision Process Using Mobile Banking Applications
The revolution in information technology is rapidly changing the way people view and behave. A shift in customer habits in transactions can be seen: previously it was done directly and now it became online. The current pandemic situation also encourages everyone to switch to using digital banking services. To survive in the tight competition for digital banking services, BRI has developed a new mobile banking application, BRImo. This study aims to explain the influence of customer experience, online review, and perceived risk on the decision to use the BRImo application at the BRI Bali. In this study, 100 respondents were interviewed through questionnaires online with a google form. The analysis technique used is Multiple Linear Regression Analysis, Classical Assumption Test, T-Test, F Test, and Determination Coefficient Test. The results of this study indicate that customer experience has a positive effect on decision process use. The online review has a positive effect on the decision process use. Perceived risk has a negative effect on the decision process use. Customer experience, online review, and perceived risk have a significant effect on the decision process use.
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