
Due to the prevailing Covid-19 pandemic, performing day-to-day activities as well as work have become a most imperative challenge. It results in reduced workers’ competencies at all levels and posed unpredicted issues for managers in all organizations. Correspondingly, there is a dearth of research on the overview of how to resolve this issue. This article is intended to explore leadership approaches that help to adapt them in fluctuating scenarios that exist due to the Covid-19. Accordingly, a systematic literature review of articles and research works published in various standard databases including Scopus, Web of Science, and other reports have been analyzed. A lot of studies have been focused on frontline work by converging on specific factors such as work engagement, and employee performance which are employee-oriented. Consequently, there is a lack of research on organization-oriented leadership approaches to be adapted for post-pandemic recovery. Thus, this paper helps the managers to recover from the problems and issues instigated by the pandemic. It is identified that a supportive workplace, open communication, individual and organizational cooperation, and a healthy working atmosphere could be extremely helpful in adapting and transforming organizations in the present situation. Finally, this research work also recommends future directions to organizations in implementing various leadership tactics for post-covid recovery.


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