
The purpose of this study is to determine the factors that influence the continuous intention to use Financial Technology Peer to Peer (P2P) lending services during the Covid-19 pandemic. P2P lending is the provision of financial services to bring together loan recipients and lenders in order to enter into lending and borrowing agreements directly through an electronic system using the internet network in the rupiah currency. The existence of financial technology today will encourage the growth of a cashless society. Banknotes or physical cash are created by utilizing resources in the environment and also the impact of creating banknotes is high and is a risk to the environment. The cashless system is expected to help minimize the environmental impacts of banknote printing waste that can cause climate change. This study is quantitative research using an online survey method. We screened the questionnaire that had been filled by 67 respondents and we choose 55 respondents who met the requirements. We analyzed the data with a structural equation model (SEM) to test the hypotheses, including the relationships of all latent variables. In this study, we use 6 variables perceived usefulness, personal innovativeness, perceived ease of use, social influence, perceived security, and continuous intention to use. The results reveal that perceived ease of use and perceived security have significant influence on continuous intention to use P2P lending services. In addition, personal innovativeness, perceived usefulness and social influence have no significant influence on continuous intention to use P2P lending services.


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