The Role of Brand Image in Mediating the Effect of Celebrity Endorsers on Repurchase Intention
The Covid-19 pandemic situation have caused changes in individual behavior patterns, including women in self-care. This situation makes women choose to do self-care independently at home for the problems they face, such as hair problems. Ellips hair vitamins offers hair-care products and are included in the ranks of top brands in Indonesia. The haircare business competition increasingly competitive, so repurchase intention must be considered by companies. This study aims to analyze the role of brand image in mediating the effect of celebrity endorsers on repurchase intention. This research was conducted in Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia with 100 respondents. Data was collected using questionnaire measured by Likert scale, data was analyzed using PLS-based SEM. The results found that celebrity endorser has a positive and significant effect on brand image and repurchase intention, brand image has a positive-significant effect on repurchase intention, and brand image mediates the relationship between celebrity endorser and repurchase intention.
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