
Covid-19 pandemic had changed the dynamic of brand building landscape and social enterprise requires a new way to build their brand. This study contributes to the advent of digital brand storytelling in marketing and brand building. Digital brand storytelling originated from conventional storytelling methods, that combine all interactive elements such as text, audio, and images to communicate with the consumers. Storytelling has been an effective medium of human communication- to convey messages. What makes storytelling is so effective that storytelling engenders emotional response, enhancing the brand's image and creating sustainable consumer engagement. The big bang of the internet provides companies a new avenue to tell consumers the story of their brand. For a company that usually lacks branding such as a social enterprise, knowledge remains scarce about the overwhelming impact of digital storytelling in marketing. This study looks at the elements of signature stories and the role it plays in revolutionizing the whole content of digital marketing strategy. The result of this study will shed solutions to branding building strategy through brand storytelling of social enterprise in Malaysia.


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