
The economics of one country with other countries are interconnected because of the business relationship, especially since the developed countries greatly affect the economics of developing countries, so that the stock market in developed countries such as Dow Jones (DJIA) index, Footsie London Index (FTSE), Singapore Index (STI), Tokyo Nikkei Index (N225), Korea KOSPI Index (KS11), Hang Seng Hongkong Index (HSI) affect the Composite Stock Price Index (CSPI). The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of global stock indices on the Composite Stock Price Index (CSPI). In addition to the global macroeconomics index of Indonesia's Stock Index like the US Dollar against the rupiah, interest rates greatly affect the Composite Stock Price Index. The method of the sample research was conducted by judgment sampling. Hypothesis testing in this research is conducted by Multiple Regression. The results obtained simultaneously (F test) variables (FTSE, Dow Jones index, STI, KS 11, Hangseng, Nikkei 225, Dollar/USD exchange rate, interest rate, Inflation) have a significant effect on CSPI. Yet, only partially variable interest rate is not significant, while the other partially affects the CSPI.


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