
Hospitals in improving services and responding to the challenges of the times and the needs of their users apply the Hospital Information System (HIS). HIS is a series of activities that cover all health services at all levels of administration that can provide information to managers for the process of managing health services in hospitals. Based on the results of the PIECES analysis, there are aspects of performance that are not yet connected to other units, and frequent trouble loading occurs. In the information aspect, the menu in the application display has not been automatically linked between the website and HIS for-outpatient registration. Based on the economic aspect, HIS is not yet paperless and has not been connected to the patient queue time monitor in other units. In the control aspect, the application of HIS has not been able to control the information displayed to each user. Based on the efficiency aspect, there are often additional features in HIS, and in the service aspect, it is found that there is no manual backup in case of system errors. This study uses a quantitative approach with a causal design research design using SPSS multiple regression, aiming to analyze the effect that can improve outpatient registration services in hospitals. This study used a sample of 60 staff related to the hospital registration unit. Results: There is a significant effect of the PIECES aspect of HIS on-outpatient registration at X Hospital Tangerang. The better the PIECES aspect of HIS will result in or improve the quality of outpatient registration services. Based on the results of the study, the implications of this study indicate the magnitude of the influence of the HIS performance aspect that can improve outpatient registration services at the hospital.


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