
The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of the Islamic work ethic, competencies, compensation and work culture on the job satisfaction of four-star hotel employees, analyze the influence of the Islamic work ethic, competencies, compensation and work culture on the four-star hotel employees performance, analyze the effect of job satisfaction on four-star hotel employee performance, and analyze the influence of the Islamic work ethic, competencies, compensation and work culture through job satisfaction on the four-star hotel employees performance. The study was conducted in 20 four star hotels in South Sulawesi with a population of 2,491 hotel employees. A sample of 345 respondents used the Slovin formula. Data from the questionnaire were analyzed using the Structural Equation Model using AMOS 18. The results of the study found that directly, there were nine hypotheses that gave a positive and significant influence, namely; Islamic work ethic, competencies, compensation and work culture for employees job satisfaction, furthermore Islamic work ethic, competencies, compensation and work culture for four-star hotel employee satisfaction and performance. Indirectly, there is one hypothesis that provides a positive and significant influence, namely the Islamic work ethic through job satisfaction on the four-star hotel employees performance. Indirectly, there are also three hypotheses that are found that provide positive and insignificant influences, namely competence, compensation and work culture through job satisfaction on the four-star hotel employees performance. Overall, either directly or indirectly provide a dominant influence is positive and significant, is a hypothesis first, fifth and tenth, the variable Islamic work ethic positive and significant impact on job satisfaction and employee performance, seen from the total effect and probability value that is greater than the other hypotheses.


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