
Background: The community's need for hospitals has shifted, no longer only serving the illnesses they suffer, but in suffering from illnesses the community needs hospitals according to their wishes that are able to fulfill their comfort and satisfaction. People with various characteristics are very selective in choosing hospital health services. People will choose a hospital that they find satisfactory. Objective: The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of product innovation and corporate image on patient visit intentions with perceived value as an intervening variable in medical check-up services at RSUD Dr. Dradjat Prawinegara Serang. Method: This research is included in the type of explanatory causality research. Product innovation and corporate image are the independent variables in this study. While the dependent variable in this study was the patient's intention to visit and the intervening variable in this study was perceived value. The population in this study were all patients at the medical check-up installation at Dr. Dradjat Prawinegara Serang. The sample measurement used the Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) method, so that the sample size was determined in the study as many as 200 respondents. This study used the Structural Equation Model (SEM) approach with a measurement model using the Smart PLS version 3 program. Results: The results of the study found that product innovation and corporate image had a significant effect on patient visit intentions with perceived value as intervening variables. Product innovation and corporate image have a significant effect on perceived value. And finally, there is a significant influence between product innovation, corporate image, and perceived value which has a significant effect on patient visit intentions. Implications: Users of a service will be more confident in using the service if their perceived value is high. Then innovation is felt to be important for the hospital, because service users can directly enjoy it, especially in increasing customer satisfaction. In addition, simply perceiving a good corporate image is enough for customers to lead to repurchase intentions.


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