
Indonesia are facing the era of digitalization where almost all of the citizens today are using technology and digital. The development of information technology has been moving so fast including the payment of using digital system. This research is to analyze the variables of features and benefits towards customer's decision to use in relating to intention to use as the intervening variable. The data collection is done through distribution of questionnaire, where the population is consisted of the customers of Go-Pay digital payment application in Jakarta, Indonesia. This is a descriptive and verification research, the descriptive methods is based on assessment analysis and the verification methods is based on quantitative analysis. The sample determination is done through Purposive Sampling and the analysis technique is using Partial Least Square (PLS). The results show that features and benefits have positive and significant effect towards intention to use, the benefits of the application have the most significant influence towards intention to use compare to the features of the application. The results show that Go-Pay is the digital payment applications in Indonesia which is mostly used by the customers because of the features and benefits provided by the application, that is why Go-Pay is the most popular digital payment application used by the customers.


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