
Modeling Information Support for Startup: Theoretical Aspect

Tatiana Papiashvili, Giorgi Ghlonti, Khatia Koberidze
 Abstract views: 324
  Downloads: 323

Determinants of Capital Buffer: Study on Conventional Commercial Banks in Indonesia

Andi Kartika, Kis Indriyaningrum, Ida Nurhayati, Bambang Sudiyatno
 Abstract views: 590
  Downloads: 475

Employees of Industry Enterprises in the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Evidence in Thai Nguyen Province, Vietnam

Phung Tran My Hanh, Nguyen Thi Thanh Quy, Nguyen Thi Oanh, Nguyen Thi Dung
 Abstract views: 234
  Downloads: 241

Research on Some Factors Affecting the Intention and Behavior towards Sustainable Consumption of Vietnamese Consumers

Nguyen Thi Phuong Linh, Tran Le Huy, Nguyen Ngoc Anh, Tran Thi Diu
 Abstract views: 752
  Downloads: 713

The Competitive Advantage of EWOM in Digital Marketing

Alireza Miremadi, Mohammadamin Haghayegh
 Abstract views: 1716
  Downloads: 1189

The Importance of Driving the Growth of Small and Medium-Sized Micro Enterprises in DKI Jakarta Province

Cicih Ratnasih, Mohammad Ramadona, Sutrisno Sutrisno
 Abstract views: 340
  Downloads: 395

Company Valuation for Initial Public Offering of PT Petronesia Benimel

Dadan Hikmat Ramdhani, Isrochmani Murtaqi
 Abstract views: 713
  Downloads: 610

Linking Computerized Accounting Information System adoption to Financial Performance in the Public Sector: The influence of Internal Control Systems

Richard Oduro, Ernest Kingsley Enyan, Anthony Agyemang Acquah, Richmond Sam Quarm
 Abstract views: 1928
  Downloads: 1465

The Effect of Compensation, Work Environment, and Work Motivation on Employee Productivity

I Nengah Subawa Kardika Putra, Ni Wayan Mujiati
 Abstract views: 3665
  Downloads: 3240

Examining the Determinants of Using e-Money Prepaid Software for Millennial Generation

Hesi Eka Puteri, Niyara Arinda; Cahya A. Mulyana; Deni O. Puspita, Vira A. Husna
 Abstract views: 1075
  Downloads: 834

The Effect of Sales Promotion on Electronic Word of Mouth and Purchase Decision (Study on Bukalapak Users in Denpasar City)

I Nyoman Wara Wangsa, Gede Bayu Rahanatha, Ni Nyoman Kerti Yasa, I Made Dana
 Abstract views: 2315
  Downloads: 2462

Staff Welfare Package and Organizational Performance: A Theoretical Discourse

Emily Obaide Akintoye, Sylvester Abomeh Ofobruku
 Abstract views: 3154
  Downloads: 3598

The Impact of Electronic Word of Mouth and Brand Image on Online Purchase Decisions Moderated by Price Discount

Slamet Slamet, Bagus Putro Wahyu Prasetyo , Ilya Azmala
 Abstract views: 2641
  Downloads: 3036

Financial Inclusion and Economic Development in Africa

Ernest C. Winful, K. Opoku-Asante, Mathew O. Mensah, Josiah N. A. Quaye
 Abstract views: 750
  Downloads: 746

The Effect of Bank Indonesia 7-Day Reverse Repo Rate on Profitability and Banking Capital in Indonesia

Made Wikananda Manik Wasita, Luh Gede Sri Artini, I Made Dana
 Abstract views: 438
  Downloads: 585

Logistics Interoperability as a Boost Factor for Industry 4.0: Case Study of a Motorcycle Manufacturer

Alberto Antonio Tuma Neto, Flavio de Barros e Azevedo Ramos , Miriam Maristela Reis Moraes, Sandro Breval Santiago, Armando Araújo de Souza Junior
 Abstract views: 381
  Downloads: 468

Total Quality Management in Construction Projects in Jordan

Suleiman Musa Abu Yahya, Saad Farhan Ibrahim Alabdullah
 Abstract views: 1917
  Downloads: 1325

Marketing Strategy for Premium and Artisan Snack Food Business during COVID-19 Pandemic (2022)

Isti Raafaldini Mirzanti, Nicholas Conant Wijaya, Rossy Sjarifah Sjarif
 Abstract views: 1849
  Downloads: 2223

Corporate Governance Mechanism and Tax Compliance: The Nigerian Experience

Yinka M. Salaudeen, Saliu S. Abdulwahab
 Abstract views: 1558
  Downloads: 1311

Cryptocurrency Price Prediction with Neural Networks of LSTM and Bayesian Optimization

Ehsan Sadeghi Pour, Hossein Jafari, Ali Lashgari, Elaheh Rabiee, Amin Ahmadisharaf
 Abstract views: 2487
  Downloads: 1709

A Study of Generational Conflicts in the Workplace

Steven H. Appelbaum, Anuj Bhardwaj, Mitchell Goodyear, Ting Gong, Aravindhan Balasubramanian Sudha, Phil Wei
 Abstract views: 14775
  Downloads: 10452