
Financial Feasibility Assessment for PT ABC LNG Production Facility Expansion Plan

Clive Hosea Suryaputra, Erman Sumirat, Asep Darmansyah
 Abstract views: 277
  Downloads: 344

Funding Sources, Competitiveness and Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya

Jeff O. Arodi, Winnie I. Nyamute, Kennedy O. Okiro, Caren M. B. Angima
 Abstract views: 803
  Downloads: 375

Inflation Dynamics of Bangladesh: An Empirical Analysis

Gautam Kumar Biswas
 Abstract views: 733
  Downloads: 496

Financial Stability Analysis of Islamic Banks in Bangladesh

Washeka Anjom, Abu Taher Mohammad Omor Faruq
 Abstract views: 1101
  Downloads: 779

Cognitive Mapping and Framing Bias on Decision Making

Yusnaini Yusnaini, Arista Hakiki, Tertiarto Wahyudi
 Abstract views: 588
  Downloads: 528

Service Quality Assessment of Retail Pharmacies in Balingasag, Misamis Oriental Based on Hybrid AHP-RSQ Model

Bernard C. Salvaña, Zaira Loren R. Saludes, Gernel S. Lumacad, Angelica L. Escobido, Alysza Jane A. Ramos, Ethan Jay V. Lopez
 Abstract views: 897
  Downloads: 443

Ownership Concentration, Capital Structure and Stock Returns of Firms Listed at the Nairobi Securities Exchange

Daniel N. Ndua, Winnie Nyamute, Anjera Kithinji, James Njihia
 Abstract views: 589
  Downloads: 432

Influence of Altruistic Strategy on Organizational Commitment in Five Star Hotels in Kenya

Bashir Mohamud Maalim, Jackson Ndolo, Lucy W. Kibe
 Abstract views: 245
  Downloads: 267

Navigating Uncertainty: How Covid-19 is Shaping the Stock Market

Md All Noman Udoy, Sunit Mistry, Abdiaziz Omar Hassan, Frimpong Atta Junior Osei
 Abstract views: 508
  Downloads: 311

Influencing Factors Enhancement Innovation Performance of Rural Tourism in Indonesia

Ratih Anggraini, Yolanda Masnita Siagian, Husna Leila Yusran
 Abstract views: 395
  Downloads: 382

Influencing Factors of K-Drama Satisfaction and their Impacts on Fanaticism and Behavioral Intention

Jacinda Sukendi, Randi Kosim Siregar, Susi Cristhyn Wansaga, Willy Gunadi
 Abstract views: 3584
  Downloads: 5064

The Influence of Leadership Style and Motivation on Employee Performance in Drinking Water Distributor Company

I Gusti Ngurah Bagus Dion Susila Abimayu, I Gusti Salit Ketut Netra, I Gusti Made Suwandana
 Abstract views: 1120
  Downloads: 714

Determinants of Return on Assets

Nilgun Karadayi
 Abstract views: 1800
  Downloads: 1310

Impact of Industry 4.0 on Labor in Industrial Enterprises: Insights from Thai Nguyen Province, Vietnam

Nguyen Thi Oanh, Phung Tran My Hanh, Nguyen Thi Dung, Le Thi Hoai Anh
 Abstract views: 254
  Downloads: 261

Analysis of the Influence of the Role of Financial Literacy on Personal Financial Management

Wisnu Yuwono, Susanna, Dinda Suci Ramadhani, Eka Widya Sasmita, Wan Hendri Sihotang
 Abstract views: 929
  Downloads: 887

Monitoring and Evaluation Practices, and Performance of Livelihood Development Programme: Case of Caritas Meru, Kenya

Joshua M. Thambura, Naomi Mwangi, John Mbugua, Reuben Kikwatha
 Abstract views: 1617
  Downloads: 771

Characteristics of Gen-Z YouTube Viewers as Potential Consumers for Influencer Marketing

Francisca Hermawan, Clara Herlina Karjo, Sri Hapsari Wijayanti, Bertha Elvy Napitupulu
 Abstract views: 1469
  Downloads: 1197

Performance Analysis of Employee at Secretariat of Regional People’s Representatives Council of Province of Bali, Indonesia

Katharina Charlotte Alexandra Kouttjie, Ida Ayu Putu Sri Widnyani, Nyoman Diah Utari Dewi
 Abstract views: 144
  Downloads: 201